Rules and Regulations
- Bow upon entering or leaving the training area.
- No horse-play.
- Always wear a clean Gi (uniform).
- No smoking, eating or drinking in the dojo.
- No chewing gum.
- Profanity and obscene language are forbidden.
- All jewelery is to be removed before class.
- Maintain good personal hygiene, including clipped and clean fingernails and toenails.
- Once class starts, no talking except to ask questions.
- Lateness will not be tolerated.
- If permitted to attend class, fall in at the end of the line and start exercises.
- Show respect for the instructor and your fellow students at all times.
- Never leave the training area without permisson once the class is in session.
- Only Black Belt and Brown Belt student teachers may teach the art.
- If a student is absent for more than one month, but less than one year, he loses his seniority,
but not his rank, A student who is absent for one year or more will be subject to reevaluation of his rank.
- Bad behavior or poor attitude will not be tolerated. A student's continued training is at the sole
discretion of the instructor.
- Visitors are allowed at the discretion of the instructor. They must be quiet and wait until after
class to ask questions.
- Safety is most important and requires your attention at all times.
- In order to be eligible for testing and promotion, students must attend 2 classes per week on a regular basis.